Stockfish Chess Engine


not available

The Stockfish engine was developed by Tord Romstad, Marco Costalba, and Joona Kiiski. It is now being developed and maintained by the Stockfish community. do not developer SF, only compile it for android.
Stockfish Chess Engine works on all GUIs having open exchange protocol, created by Gerhard Kalab.One installation works on multiple GUIs.
Install engine and run your favorite GUI (Graphical User Interface), chess board.UnInstall app to remove engine. Updating the app updates the engine.Being a library does not need the app has a view. The engine will appear in the engine list of the GUI

We recommend that you test our updated GUIs:
also you can see the gui of Mr. Kalab Chess pgn masterand some other free gui
architectures: (pie) ; armv5, armv7, arm64v8, x86, x86_64
Current release
Stockfish 8 day: 20161101
Api min 16 (4.1 Jelly Bean)
for old devices install the other Stockfish nopie app
There are problems with chessbase